MRF in Forbes Super 50 list of Indian Companies
Posted by: MRF Tyres

Published: Thu, Aug 13, 2015
The Forbes India's Super 50 list consists of companies that constantly prove their worthOne of India's largest tyre makers, MRF is increasingly getting recognised for its passion for motorsports, where it is involved in racing, karting and rallies. It has also set up the MRF Pace Foundation to discover, nurture and train fast bowlers. The company believes this passion rubs off on its brands, leading to better sales. Forbes India, with knowledge support from PwC India, adopted a robust multiple-stage process to select India’s Super 50 Companies. At the first stage, a set of eliminators was employed to arrive at a critical mass of strong contenders. Out of all listed companies on the stock exchanges,those selected had a market capitalisation of more than Rs 10,000 crore (as of March 31, 2015). All PSUs were eliminated and only the top two companies from any business group were included. This yielded a list of 116 companies which were further evaluated on another set of parameters. These parameters included shareholder returns exhibited on the stock exchange over a three-year period, sales growth and return on equity. As a final check, companies which were more consistent than others were included—in the context of Forbes' parameters—and another set of relevant eliminators were used to remove the outliers. The result is a strong list of companies that comprise Forbes India’s first-ever Super 50 listing.